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I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. Psalm 69.2

Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen. Psalm 77.19 

People are really struggling this Holy Week. I’m seeing it out in the community. I’m hearing it in our own church community. I hear folks suffering with disease, shepherding loved ones into death, caretaking for those who are sick, grieving over broken relationships, longing for peace, hoping for reconciliation, wringing their hands with worry for the safety of their children at school. Many might relate to the psalmists engulfed in deep waters. In Holy Week we can embrace the fear and the pain that comes to us for so many reasons. We can sit with it as we walk with Christ through his own last days on Good Friday spending time with his friends praying, sharing a meal, and then being betrayed, arrested, beaten, and crucified. We have a Savior who knows our pain. Who walks with us through the troubled waters. The good news is that is not the end of the story. Easter comes. 

This week the old song, Like a Bridge Over Troubled Water is swirling in my head. I chose a new cover by John Legend to share with you. Click here for his piano solo and take a few minutes to just lean into the song and listen for the voice of Jesus giving you encouragement, hope, and peace.  

Jesus is the permanent rock bridge through the troubled waters we face. Jesus leads us through the struggles as our shepherd even when we can’t quite discern his presence, he is there. That is our promise. We can see this gospel good news in Psalm 23 as we envision Jesus walking with us and leading us to peace. We go through Holy Week together facing death and grief but never alone. We are Jesus to each other now sharing hope that the dawn breaks into the darkness. No matter what we face, Easter comes!

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; Psalm 23:1-3 

Easter comes, Pastor Andrea