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All the believers were one in heart and mind. Acts 4:32 

In my search for blessings during time apart, hearts were popping up everywhere! The pictured hearts were displayed at various art galleries. There were also antique heart shaped locks in a gift shop and heart shaped rocks on a hiking path. Each one was a different shape, size, and color, but they were all beautiful, and they were all together. Some hearts were small, some large in different materials and colors, both bright and dark, each heart a work of art. Some fancy and some plain yet all lovely in their own way and created to be appreciated.

Seeing all these hearts along the way was a reminder from God. My blessed, simple epiphany was that we as God’s children are like these hearts. God blesses each of us with a heart of faith, yet we are all in different shapes, sizes, shades, and designs. It is a great blessing that God makes each of us so unique yet also gives us the ability to be united by God’s love. It is too easy to separate ourselves based on our differences or disagreements, but God calls us to appreciate each other’s differences and gifts so we can be “one in heart and mind” united in Christ. 

God’s dream, and my dream as a faith leader, is that we can shine our light together for a greater good seeing each other’s gifts and value even in the midst of difference. Remember that you are a work of art created by God to be appreciated for your unique gifts, and together we can unite in love to show the world how faith makes a difference for good in the world.

From my heart to yours, Pastor Andrea