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Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18

I was surprised the other day in my office when I noticed that my plant has grown a lot! It almost reaches down to my desk from the wall shelf. I was delighted to discover that the heart-shaped leaf shadows are watching over me and my work. With the proper light, water, and food this plant has produced a cascading vine with rich green, healthy leaves. Because this plant is healthy and growing well, it is purifying the air, contributing oxygen, and bringing beauty and peace to my office space.

In order for us to grow in our spiritual and intellectual lives, we need light, water, and food of sorts that looks like education, outreach, prayer, and connection. It’s important to always be learning and investing in ourselves so we can be well and also share ourselves with others in meaningful ways. This was shared with me recently, “What you give to yourself, you give to the world.”

So I’ve been making intentional efforts to grow as a person and in my leadership and ministry by investing time and energy into continuing education, spending time in mindfulness meditation, connecting with colleagues for collaboration, going for early morning walks, and learning new skills in pastoral care. Next week I will out of the office to attend a continuing education conference for pastoral leadership. It will be a refreshing time to connect and learn with colleagues on being church and living out faith in new ways that fit our current context. This all helps me grow in life and faith so I’m healthy in mind and spirit and able to share my heart for leading and sharing with others. It takes some sacrifice, intention, and commitment to do this, but it’s worth it!

So how are you growing these days? Are you taking time to grow in your own education, spiritual wellness, and physical well-being? It could be just one little thing that you do for you. That can look different for everyone! But I hope that you find ways to feed yourself so you grow well knowing you are a beloved child of God, because you are worth it!

Grace & Peace, Pastor Andrea