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‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’ Matthew 11:28

The forest is my happy place. Forest pictures fill my photo files, but this one in Tonto National Forest is one of my favorites. I remember sitting in silence and just breathing with the wind blowing through the pines. Peace. The forest is a place where you can just be. Breathe.

We all need a place like that. A place where we can just be ourselves with no judgment, no worries. We have that place with Jesus. He makes a safe place for us in his love. He knows our burdens, our worries, our heavy hearts. Life is hard and our world places heavy burdens upon us. People feel beat up and judged and “not enough.” As we carry our own and other’s burdens, try being in the moment, centering yourself, taking a moment to breathe. This helps navigate life and each day with peace. Mindfulness.

Where is your happy place? Take time and find places where you can just be. Many times nature helps us reconnect with ourselves and with God. A friend shared an article about “Forest Bathing” with me, and it was illuminating. Forest Bathing is a 5-minute read and well worth it! We all need space that affirms we are enough. Remember Jesus’ call, come to me, rest in me. Seek moments to find yourself in him and know: you are enough. Just breathe.

Inhale, exhale, Pastor Andrea