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Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash

May God be merciful to us and bless us;
  may the light of God’s face shine upon us. Psalm 67:1

The scriptures appointed for this weekend reflect upon God’s mercy. We hear different voices from the prophet Isaiah, to the Psalmist, to the Apostle Paul, and the Apostle Matthew. Mercy starts with God and flows from God’s love. Where would we be without God’s mercy? The word “mercy” in ancient Hebrew is rooted in the word for “womb.” It reflects a deep compassion and love as of a mother for her unborn child. It is an expansive, unconditional type of love that is inclusive and crosses boundaries. The relationship God wants with people mirrors a loving mother-child relationship. Paul describes God’s mercy for all people including both Jews and Gentiles as “unusual kindness.”

What does mercy look like today? Where do you see God’s mercy? Where is mercy needed most? Maybe we need to meditate on the word mercy and see where God leads us. In the darkness of these difficult days, we need the light of God’s face shining upon us more than ever. Through faith we are called to merciful acts of unusual kindness for our neighbors. Where do we need God’s mercy? Where is God calling us to show mercy? Pray on this.

For a blessing to help you reflect on mercy, watch this YouTube video of the song Wonderful Merciful Savior.

God’s mercies are new each day!

Pastor Andrea