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The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:8 

Each night as supper preparations were being made in my kitchen last week, a beautiful day transformed instantly into a dust storm. By Thursday night I was beginning to tire of such darkness and dust. We were also planning to grill out as the stormy clouds starting rolling in. As the skies were rumbling, I was grumbling.  My husband suggested we sit out on the patio and just watch the sky. Although in no mood to do so, I agreed and parked myself on a pile of cushions on the patio.

Soon after we began watching the show in the sky, a gigantic rainbow appeared and arced right over my entire backyard. My grumbling turned into humbling praise as I gave thanks for this amazing reminder that God is with us always. I truly felt God’s presence in that moment. And I was reminded to give thanks in all moments aiming to remain positive and find the blessings in all things - even storm clouds.  

If I had remained inside grumbling instead of embracing the moment, I would have missed the rainbow blessing which turned into a double rainbow and a double blessing! We can find blessings in the clouds as we to continue to trust that God is with us – now and forever!

Amen, Pastor Andrea