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 I was blind but now I see! John 9:25 

A family member in the Midwest shared this pic recently after a heavy snowfall. I wondered if that’s how everyone felt after more snow in late winter. I think we all feel like burying our heads sometimes instead of seeing all the needs around us. It’s easier to go through life if we don’t see or know what’s happening around us. Once we see and know, we have a responsibility and a call from God to respond.  

In Lent, we are seeking God’s call in our lives. We are listening for ways we can grow in faith, see needs and find ways to respond faithfully in love. In the Gospel of John, we hear a story about the importance of spiritual sight. Spiritual sight means seeing the world and other people through the eyes of faith. We receive this gift from Jesus just like the man he healed that was born physically blind. Turns out the religious leaders in the story were “blind” because they could only see the man’s sin instead of seeing him through Jesus’ eyes of love and mercy.  

Sometimes suspicion and fear can make us bury our heads so we can’t see what is right in front of us. Jesus says that he is the light of the world. He came to bring spiritual sight to all people, so that we might open our eyes and walk in the light. As St. Paul writes, “Once you were darkness, but now in the Lord, you are light.” Because of Jesus we can lift our heads high in faith to live as children of light and see our neighbors with eyes of faith!

Live in the light, Pastor Andrea