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He leads me beside still waters. Psalm 23:2

Growing up my home was next to a stream just like this. Imagine my delight when I came upon this scene on a walk in Lake Geneva. Childhood memories of skipping through the creek rock by rock and daydreaming on the stream’s banks flooded my heart. The stream of my younger days drank in a lot of my imagination, joy, play, and rest. Stopping to take in the peaceful scene, this moment of serenity fed my soul for the rest of the day. A “note to self” came to mind, “Find more still moments like this each day.”

Life is busy. Our minds are busy. The world is busy. We need moments of stillness. We need time to “just be.” In those moments we can relax, let go, and breathe. It is good to stop and reflect each day on where we are with ourselves, our loved ones, and all that we do. Being still and connecting with God each day gives us the peace of the Spirit and space to listen to God’s leading in our lives.

Psalm 23 promises that our Good Shepherd leads us beside still waters. In the 4th century the still waters were interpreted as the waters of the font which give us the gift of life and restore our souls with the infusion of the Spirit. Think of Psalm 46, “Be still and know that I am God.” Jesus modeled this stillness for his disciples when he withdrew to pray countless times.

The psalms are God’s living word that still speak into our lives today. We trust that Jesus leads us still. Find moments for stillness each day and let the peace that passes understanding guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

Amen, Pastor Andrea