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… Love your neighbor as yourself. Romans 13:9

A close friend in seminary was struggling with God’s call in his life. We did whatever we could to support him. One beautiful, autumn day we were walking home from class on a sidewalk covered with colorful leaves. My friend suddenly picked up a random leaf from the sidewalk. He turned it over and written on the back it said, “God loves you.” It was like a message sent from heaven, and we were amazed! He kept that special leaf that encouraged him and talked of it often. A little message of love from an unknown neighbor made a big difference.

That happened to me this week. I was on a morning walk through the neighborhood park and last minute had chosen the gravel horse path over the sidewalk. I was delighted to find this big, white heart boldly marking the middle of the path! It reminded me of God’s love with me and made my day. My heart was filled with peace, and I was reminded that God is with me and people do care. It inspired me to share love and encouragement with others too. I was grateful for the neighbor who laid it there and left it on the path for the next person to find.

The little things we do to show others we care really do make a big difference. Many times it’s just the thing we need at just the right time. Paul reminds us in Romans about Jesus’ great command to love our neighbors as ourselves as our highest calling when he writes, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.” Thank you for all the ways you show love to your neighbors, and I hope the little things that make a big difference will find you in the days ahead!

Love, Pastor Andrea