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For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jeremiah 29:11 

Remember our 2021 Desert Cross Word Cloud? The Cloud is full of positive words in a negative world. The bigger the word, the more it was chosen, so Tranquility and Joy were two of the biggest things you wanted to focus on this year. Do you remember your word? How’s it going? My word was “Embrace.” I hoped to embrace whatever came my way this year trusting it had meaning and God was in it. This has been difficult, but I’m still trying to Embrace both the positives and negatives that come to me and to trust God.  

Since March 2020, I have sent a Friday update nearly every week. I intentionally shared many personal experiences with you as well as church updates. My goal was communication at a high level to keep you as informed as possible and to share spiritual guidance and encouragement for your faith in the most challenging days. 

A few weeks ago, I shared that Desert Cross is challenged “post-pandemic” as most churches with changing demographics. I told you that changes had to happen in this different world. I shared that Proposed changes in the Proposed 2022 budget would be sent to you before our 12/5 meeting along with our strategic plan and agenda so you could review it and send us questions in advance. This has never been done before, but we want you to be as informed as possible.  

We are working on all of this very diligently and prayerfully. In large systems like Desert Cross, things take a long time to process, formulate, and produce. There are many leaders involved over two campuses and lots of conversations and “what-if’s.” Also, lots of visions are cast as possibilities for the future that should not be mistaken as decisions made.  

Our Church Council met on 11/15 to vote on a proposed 2022 budget prepared by the Executive Council. Our staff has spent this week preparing the spreadsheets and documents. We also spent many hours on strategic planning. Nothing is decided but awaits your vote on 12/5. At this Budget Meeting, our ideas and proposed changes will all be presented to you, and you will have the preview in your inbox as soon as possible. We ask for your patience. Remember this is your church, and your pastors, staff, and elected leaders are called to steward decisions regarding our resources of time, service, and finances. We are worthy of your trust.  

On Sunday evening you received an email from our Dir. of Youth Ministry, Chad Diegle, letting you know that God has opened a door to ministry in a new place, and he will be leaving on the last day of December. We wanted to let you know before it is announced this weekend so it didn't come as a surprise in worship. We give thanks for Chad's ministry and presence with us over the past 22 years! 
The Executive Council oversees all matters of employment at Desert Cross and after meeting this past Monday at Council, plans are being formed for a search committee for a new Youth Director. At the same time, plans were also solidified for the search committee for Michael Lottes's replacement to begin their work. More details are being put together to be shared in the Dec. 5 budget meeting communications. 
There will be a special Litany of Thanksgiving and Farewell for Chad in worship on 12/12 at Gilbert and 12/19 at Tempe with farewell receptions after worship. 
There will be a special Litany of Thanksgiving and Farewell for Michael on 12/18 in Tempe and 12/19 in Gilbert with farewell receptions after worship. Michael's last Sunday is December 26. 
Any plans we make are to give us a future with hope.  

Embracing the Cloud, Pastor Andrea