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Love is patient, Love is kind. 1 Corinthians 13 

As we continue to update policies and procedures, patience and kindness are needed. Change is hard especially when it relates to faith and church matters. We thank you for your kind support as we continue to open up our campuses and operations.

Here is the latest news: 

Desert Cross will resume pre-pandemic regular church office hours in Tempe on Monday, June 7, 2021.The expectation is that all staff and members follow CDC guidelines for the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Face masks will be worn on campus by all unvaccinated staff and members and by those who prefer to be masked.

Holy Communion will be celebrated weekly beginning Sunday, June 6th. You will be invited to come forward to receive a communion wafer and wine will be poured into your communion cup. Juice and GF wafers will be available. Those needing communion in their seats should alert an usher.

Offering baskets and Hunger Jar will be up by the altar, and you will be invited forward to place your offerings in the basket and/or jar. We also recognize some have given online, by text, or through the US mail. We give thanks for your offerings of support for our collective mission.

All small groups have been authorized to resume meeting in-person as each group is comfortable. Denise Viker has guidelines for safe meeting to share with our groups. I-HELP will resume service on campus in June, as well!

Big thanks to our reconvening team and staff who have helped us resume operations safely and helped set up our worship spaces!

Kind regards, Pastor Andrea