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The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of God’s hands. Psalm 19

 Where have you seen glory? This glorious sight appeared on the 202, and it took my breath away (don’t worry, the photo was snapped from the passenger seat!) The purple expanse of clouds just about kissed the mountaintop in the distance. It lasted but a moment, but it had to be captured and shared. I couldn’t wait to show you! It was a challenging day, but glory showed up in this sunset to fill me with wonder and comfort as I felt God’s hands touching us on earth. So many stresses these days, so much hurrying, so much strife. And yet glory shows up. God is with us.

Some of it is just about noticing. Allowing ourselves to be amazed. Sharing it with others. A section from Mary Oliver’s poem “Sometimes” from her book, Red Bird, comes to mind:

Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.

-Mary Oliver

 With so much heaviness around us, be open to the lightness that glory brings. Look for glory in the little things. Keep your eyes and ears open to it. And then share it. Glory reassures us that God is with us. Glory shows up.

 Glory to God, Pastor Andrea