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Desert Cross, along with many other churches from our synod, gathered together to have a Campformation Day of Service. Due to the pandemic, we were unable to have our full camp this summer, so we decided to offer a really fun day serving people in need.

Our day began at Feed My Starving Children for a 2-hour packing event, then we headed to an area church for lunch and games. After lunch, we traveled to Lutheran Social Services to fill donated supplies into backpacks for at-risk youth, helped organize supplies, and learned about LSS and their amazing ministries in our community. We completed our day with a Zoom worship service that allowed us to connect with churches in Central Phoenix, Lake Havasu, and Las Vegas! Our youth were simply fantastic and had a blast all day.

We have much to be thankful for and should be so proud of these young people and their service to others. Desert Cross has some amazing teens!