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The May newsletter has been posted to the website.

In it you will find an update on worship opportunities as well as the reservation process. 

Speaking of worship, we have a date set for Confirmation. Desert Cross normally celebrates this faith milestone in October on Reformation Sunday, but because of COVID restrictions we had to postpone our 2020 Confirmation and we're very excited for the May 2021 celebration!

The May newsletter also has information on some in-person opportunities. As COVID numbers become more favorable in Maricopa County and our ministry areas, we are excited about the ability to safely resume some of our in-person ministries. We will continue to wear masks and physically distance ourselves out of an abundance of love for our neighbor. 

Be sure to read the newsletter "from cover to cover" so that you have all of the necessary information about the Shred-A-Thon, Desert Cross Camping Trip, and May Special Hunger Jar collection! And don't forget to read the information about this summer's VBS!!!