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God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

I opened a different mail app than usual on my mac for the first time in 2 years, and it pulled up an update from spring 2020. Turns out that update is still relevant! For instance, last week I shared a Gratitude Challenge to identify 3 things you are grateful for each day. My 2020 teacup image still stands: Today I’m grateful for... you, and I miss you who have not returned to church due to pressing health concerns, lifestyle changes, moving, masking disagreements, and various other reasons preventing you from rejoining our community. We still face many challenges and stresses with Omicron, major cultural shifts, and continued debates over Covid policies. We have also seen a giant shift in the church where many are no longer united in differences with Christ as the glue in the center. We have moved to online outreach and worship in new ways. “Profound change” is an understatement of the effects of the pandemic on church and society. 

Below is an excerpted reboot of my May 2020 update:

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1“… I miss you! We will continue to process our grief over losses and our joy over acts of kindness over the days ahead. The past weeks have been challenging for all of us and will profoundly change each of us. We have faced the impossible and learned what was possible. We have challenged ourselves to try new things. We have gone through this trial apart but bound together in spirit. There is suffering all around us, yet I am filled with joy by the creative ways you are caring for others. I have seen and heard many stories of compassion, love, and hope which are the core of our faith. I want to personally thank all of you for your living out your faith in new ways and for your generous support of our ministry together. Thank you for all that you do Desert Cross which enables us to share God’s love Everything is different, but together we will forge a new path forward for our church. Our serving hearts, flexibility, and faithful God will allow hope to overcome grief and peace to overcome fear.” 

In February 2022 the storm still rages outside and inside yet one thing remains the same: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Yesterday I spotted this rock under a bush outside the office which I had never noticed. What a God-moment! Through all the trials, it was there outside my door all along. It is still my hope that peace will overcome fear.

Be Still, Pastor Andrea