As part of our Renew Our Hearts: DCLC Retreat @ Home, we are following a daily devotional and reading through The Book of Psalm. The Psalms are organized semi-topically into 5 Books. We will read 8 selected Psalms from each book beginning and ending with the first and last Psalms. Notice how the last Psalm of each book ends in a doxology (praises to God). The ELW Psalm Prayers are included for each day. Sundays are for Sabbath.

We invite you to set aside some time each day for prayer and reading. 
Light a candle. Settle in to listen to God.
As you read the Psalm for the day, hold onto your prayer stone.
Let the stone be a reminder to you of God's presence as God Renews Our Hearts.


If you weren't able to pick up the Psalm Daily Devotional reading schedule, please use the file below.